It’s the Little Leaf. Big Experience.

Independently Owned & Operated
(Owners Onsite)


Independent cannabis retailers have a significant stake in the communities they serve. By shopping at Little Leaf, you are directly contributing to the local economy, which in turn supports other local businesses and charitable organizations.

The Largest Selection of Cannabis Products
& Lifestyle Accessories Under One Roof!

  • Gift Cards!

    The Perfect Gift.
    Available in store in the following amounts:
    $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, $75 & $100.

  • BudMember© Rewards!*

    Buy. Earn. Repeat.
    The most comprehensive loyalty
    reward program available today!

  • RYOT

    Ontario’s only RYOT Banner store!
    Premium quality accessories for the best in preparation, consumption and storage solutions.